Phishing Scam Alerts
Please be aware of a known Phishing attempt that is currently circulating. If you receive an unsolicited text message that appears to be from VCCU asking you to verify a Zelle transaction or to provide your Online Banking log in information, this is a scam. The fraudster is using this information to login to your Online Banking account to send money via Zelle.
DO NOT click any links or share any private login information. Delete the message or hang up the phone.
Example of recent Phishing attempts:
Here are a few steps to prevent text message spam:
- Delete text messages that ask you to confirm or provide personal information: VCCU will never ask for information like your personal account numbers, passwords, PIN or one-time passcodes by email or text.
- Don't reply, and don't click on links provided in the message: Links can install malware on your computer and take you to spoof sites that look real but whose purpose is to steal your information.
- Treat your personal information like cash: Your Social Security number, credit card numbers, and bank and utility account numbers can be used to steal your money or open new accounts in your name. Don't give them out in response to a text.
- If you are an AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, or Bell subscriber, you can report spam texts to your carrier by copying the original message and forwarding it to the number 7726 (SPAM), free of charge.
- Review your cell phone bill for unauthorized charges, and report them to your carrier.
- To block spam messages -- but not all incoming texts from friends and family -- call your carrier's customer service number (usually 611) and instruct them to "Block all text messages sent to you as email" and "Block all multimedia messages sent to you as email." You also might be able to log into your account online and activate these blocks there.